Stronger Than Your Boyfriend
Stronger Than Your Boyfriend
Evolution of Food and Fitness: How Lifestyles Have Changed
In today’s episode of the podcast, we discuss our own evolution as a species to gain a deeper understanding of why health and fitness are so important in our modern world. Our evolution holds the keys to how we’re wired for survival and why our modern life is impacted by the food we eat and the movement our bodies need. We discuss how our bodies are adapted for a wide variety of nutrient dense foods from being hunter gatherers in the past, but current lifestyles and processed food choices don’t support that, which is producing more chronic illnesses. Then, we talk about how our metabolism works from an evolutionary perspective of “feast or famine”, which is why our bodies stop losing weight when we cut calories for extended periods of time. Strength training is also crucial because it mimics the strenuous labor of life that we evolved from.
In this episode we discuss:
- The Evolution Of Nutrition
- Obesity
- Body Fat
- Energy Conservation
- The Evolution Of Food
- How We Find & Consume Food
- The Evolution Of Fitness
- Strength Training
- The Journey of Food and Fitness
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