Stronger Than Your Boyfriend
Stronger Than Your Boyfriend
How to Measure Progress (Without Using a Scale)
In today's episode we talk about setting realistic goals and how to measure progress (specifically without focusing on only the scale).
What are attainable goals? What ways can we measure progress?
How to reset your mindset around goal setting, using habit creation as goals, what skill related fitness does for your brain and body, and more.
Note: When talking about healthy weight loss amounts near the beginning of the episode, we mention 0.5 - 1 lb per week as a healthy goal. This number would actually be 1-2 lbs per week as for what you'll find as the recommended amount, but we personally like to focus on 1 lb per week to encourage muscle gain and change mindset around weight fluctuations or inflammation increases due to training. So don't come at us. We know it's a little off the number you usually hear.
Track: Upbeat Indie Rock [Rock Music] by MokkaMusic / Drive https://youtu.be/fYd5zprDwTo
Music provided by "MokkaMusic" channel and https://inaudio.org