Stronger Than Your Boyfriend

Q&A 93: Lower Back Tightness; Tennis Elbow Exercises; Lat Pulldown Form

Barpath Fitness Season 1 Episode 190

Join our Stronger Than Your Boyfriend Facebook group to ask questions that we will address on the podcast!

Question 1: I DREAD leg day because of my lower back. It doesn't "hurt" necessarily but it's just tight ALL of the time. Any advice? I've googled but it gives me so many extreme scenarios. I don't think it's anything major, but I also don't want it to turn into anything major.

Is this normal? Should I focus more on stretching or maybe focus on strengthening it?

Question 2: I have tennis elbow. I have been resting my upper body and any lower body that pulls for months. I have done some stretching of the wrists. I have seen a special massage therapist twice. I am SO sick of this pain. What exercises have you found that are helpful to strengthen the area when it's recovering and prevent tennis elbow in the first place as I (hopefully!!) heal up.

Question 3: So, l'm meant to be doing wide grip lat pull downs as shown, but I see many people at the gym doing them while leaned back a fair amount. Is there a difference in what's being worked? Is this due to the equipment we have available?

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